How to Soothe a Colic Baby: Some Lifesaving Products

If you can relate to my post about having a colic baby, you’ll try anything to soothe your screamo baby and make your life a little easier. If your baby is anything like mine, you might feel like nothing works. As we know, every baby is different, but I’ve created a list for you — split by category — of the absolute best, life-saving baby colic products we used to soothe our own colic baby. I hope these help!

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For the babies that love motion

Our colic baby LOVES being in motion. If it’s moving, it soothes her. Even better if she can clamp onto mom while being rocked around. I’ve spent HOURS rocking our barnacle babe in this recliner, and since I’ve never been able to get up once she finally calms down, I love that it has a phone charger. When paired with an armrest holder, you don’t have to get off this thing for a loooong long time.

I would also highly recommend you purchase an exercise ball. We spent MANY hours bouncing on these things.

Another favorite for my motion junkie daughter? One word: SWINGS.

The Momaroo or Graco swing.  Yes we have both, and yes we use them both. She hated one or the other in the beginning but now thoroughly enjoys both.

My other favorites to get my colic baby soothed via motion were baby carriers, including the Solly Wrap and the Infantino.  I did find the Infantino a bit easier to use because it clips in and out SO quickly, and as my baby got older she got significantly wigglier. During the peak of her colic days, my baby hated the stroller and really only wanted to be carried.

For a little peace and quiet

There is evidence that suggests that white noise is extremely beneficial for newborns. The Hatch sound machine is amazing because we can control the machine using an app, and there are multiple white noise options available as well as the option to play music, bedtime stories, and nature sounds. We are also big fans of our portable sound machine. We take it with us on walks, in the car, when we’re out at a loud restaurant, and when we travel anywhere

When you’re (finally) able to step away

On days when I was extra frustrated and just needed to put my colic baby in the crib and walk away, this baby camera was an absolute game changer. The quality is great, you can adjust the brightness and the volume, and I appreciate that there is an antenna if you need a little extra signal boost. The battery life is also wonderful. I will also give an honorable mention to this sound monitor that we were gifted , though my postpartum anxiety did not jive well with only being able to hear (and not see) my baby. It is a great option for travel though!

For bottle feeding

Different bottles work best for different babies. We know this because we’ve used and tried them all, and our friends who have babies have hated or loved the ones we use. Your baby will tell you which bottle they like best, but the best and only ones that worked for our colic baby are the Nuk Simply Natural bottles.  They have an anti-colic valve to let extra air out, a temperature gauge on the side that changes color if the bottle is too warm, and are available in a variety of different sizes. The only downside? If you need to take these on the go, the lids do seem to have a hard time staying on sometimes.

Our baby brezza formula maker or our “baby Keurig” as we so lovingly call it, is the easily the best baby colic product and gift you can give to a formula-using mama. I honestly love this thing more than almost any other product we have. It’s quick, it’s easy, and when your baby is screaming bloody murder if it takes longer than 10 seconds to get him/her a bottle, this is THE product for you. Just do it.

I’m sure there are more products that we use and love that I forgot about, so I’ll be updating this list often. If there is anything else you have and find helpful for your colicky little one, I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

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