Baby Brezza Formula Pro: Should You Buy?

As someone who had tons of struggles with breastfeeding and had to stop, I felt completely overwhelmed by the thought of not only switching to (and choosing the right) formula, but the idea of sitting there measuring out bottles every 1-2 hours with a screaming colicky child by my side. Being the angel that she is, my mother in law ended up finding and gifting us the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser Machine.

I can very confidently say this is hands down my favorite baby product to date. 


*Please note there are several different variations of this device, including:

I have only ever used the Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Formula Dispenser (the one without the wifi), so that’s the only one I can really speak for!

The Pros

How easy it is to use

Once you do the initial cleaning and set up (which took my hubs about 10 min), it’s literally the easiest device you’ll ever use. All you have to do is

  • Put the appropriate size bottle under the spout
  • Make sure the ounces you want are correct
  • Hit start
  • Watch your bottle be made

It seriously is that easy. The only two buttons you’ll need are “ounce” and “start.” That’s it!

Not very tech savvy? Great news! The manual is available online, which means any troubleshooting can be done at any time, even if your mom brain caused you to accidentally trash the booklet it comes with (speaking for a friend.) We’ve had this machine for a while and I’ve honestly never had to use the manual, though I may glance at it for descaling / cleaning instructions.

*One super important thing to note when setting it up: The machine has different settings depending on the type of formula you are using, so make sure you pay attention to ensure the machine accurately measures the ratio of formula: water. You can find the Settings Guide here, and it’s a great thing to save in case you ever switch formulas.

You can make bottles of all different sizes

Thanks to its adjustable tray and wide base, it does not matter what size or shape of bottle you are using to feed your baby. I’ve made 2 oz bottles and 10 oz bottles in this thing, and all you have to do is move the tray! After realizing that not all bottles are created equal, I know how important it is to be able to use the bottle brand that works best for your baby. Unlike some of the other devices we’ve purchased (looking at you, bottle warmers,) I love that I never have to worry about the bottle fitting (some of them are curvy, okay!)

Makes bottles in less than 5 seconds

One of my favorite features of this machine is how quickly it makes bottles. If you’ve ever been up in the middle of the night with a screaming baby, you know just how long 45 seconds waiting for a bottle warmer can feel. I am not joking when I say it makes large bottles in under 5 seconds.

Different water temperature settings to accommodate all formulas

After switching to a hypoallergenic formula with probiotics in it, I realized that we could only give our baby room temperature bottles from now on. With this machine, that was no problem at all. The machine has three settings:

  • Slightly warmer than body temperature
  • Body temperature
  • Room temperature

This means that you essentially have a bottle warmer and a formula maker all in one, which is an absolute game-changer. With the temp button, you can set it and forget it when it comes to the water temperature of your bottles. If you do need to make a change, your settings will be saved for the next time you make a bottle!

Not having to mix or measure formula

I don’t particularly enjoy the experience of mixing formula, especially with my little growing baby eating like a fiend (read: all.the.time!) Since getting this, the only time I mix formula myself is when we’re out and about. As a new mom, there are a million and one different things running through my head at once, so it is really nice to just press start and call it a day.

The Cons

You can only make 2 oz – 10 oz bottles

This was a bit frustrating when our baby was very small and only eating 1-2 oz at a time. There were many occasions where we could make 2 oz and she would just eat 1 oz. While I suppose you could split it in half during the newborn stage, ain’t nobody got time! Similarly, for my mamas who like making their formula in bulk: This may not be the machine for you, unless you’re interested in making 10 oz at a time and combining it into one large pitcher.

After every 4 bottles, the machine requires that you clean the filter

Because the filter is a bit small, it clogs up pretty easily and needs to be changed after the fourth bottle in a row is made. While this isn’t a huge issue and it is easy to pop out and back in, it can be annoying when the baby screamo concert is going on in the background.

Pro tip: Buy yourself some time and buy an extra filter. When the machine tells you to clean the filter, switch them out and wash the other one after you’ve fed baby!

Same goes for the small-ish water tank and formula holder

I usually end up refilling this water tank  once a day. Honestly, I’ve made it part of my evening routine and I don’t really mind it much, but to some this might be a bother. The formula can go a bit longer before needing a top-off, depending on how much your baby is eating. I usually end up refilling every few days. Kind of annoying, kind of don’t notice it?

Taking this thing apart and putting it back together can be quite confusing

I would be lying if I said I’ve done this often, because my husband is much more tech savvy than I am. There are several small parts that need to be removed for cleaning / descaling, and the process is kind of a pain. Though you technically only have to do this every month, this also means that all of the formula powder needs to be put back into a container temporarily while you finish this process. You also have to wait until your baby is down for the night or won’t be eating for a while (which is never really as a newborn) to allow the parts to dry.

The price tag

This thing is loud

Think: Your morning coffee maker going off, but add some rumbling. If I am upstairs and my husband is downstairs making a bottle, I can usually hear it from the second floor. Because it works so quickly, it doesn’t bother me, but might be an issue if you are near a sleeping baby or another sleeping child.

Overall, I would highly, highly recommend the Baby Brezza formula machine for any of my fellow formula-feeding mamas. I love this thing so much, and I am all about (and will only recommend) products that make our lives as new moms that much easier.

*this post contains affiliate links*

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