PACU Nursing Pros and Cons

Quite often when I speak to other people who aren’t very familiar with the different avenues of nursing, I’m met with blank stares when I mention that I work in the PACU. I’ve also heard tons of misconceptions that PACU is a “retirement job” or that it’s “where ICU nurses...

How Much Does a Nurse Make?

When I became a nurse, I had a general idea that nursing salaries varied. I knew that my nurse friends from different cities, states, hospitals, and specialties had wildly different incomes. However, I had NO idea just how much they varied, or how years later my salary would so heavily...


Are you a burnt out ICU nurse looking to make a change? For a lot of ICU nurses, one of the most common ways to switch things up involves transitioning from ICU to PACU nursing, because PACU vs ICU nursing feels like a tale as old as time. If you’re...

The Best Nurses Week Deals of 2023

In case you missed it, Nurses Week 2023 goes from May 6, 2023 to Fri, May 12, 2023! If there’s one thing us nurses love, it’s a good nurses week discount. So naturally, I scoured the internet for the best nurses week deals of 2023, and found quite a few...

Postpartum Essentials for Mom

*this post contains some affiliate links* It’s no secret that having a baby is hard on your physical and mental health, so as a nurse (but more importantly, someone who does far too much research on literally everything), I’ve put together a list of postpartum essentials for mom. If you’re...

Per Diem Nursing

I’ve talked a little bit about how changing my status at work to per diem has helped alleviate some burnout. In doing so, I’ve heard lots of misconceptions about what it means to be a per diem nurse. So what is per diem nursing? What are the pros and cons?...

Should I Quit My Job?

Riddle me this: You started your nursing career all bright eyed and bushy tailed, and everything was going swimmingly. But somewhere along the way, you realize you hate your job. We’re talking can’t imagine going back, dread waking up everyday, would rather be doing literally anything else to the point...

How Do I Stop Breastfeeding?

*this article contains affiliate links* If you’ve been following along, you know I have strong thoughts on how you don’t need anyone’s opinion if you want to stop breastfeeding. If you’re ready to learn how to stop breastfeeding, here’s a look at what worked for me personally when I decided...

It’s Okay to Stop Breastfeeding

“Breast is best” “You’re breastfeeding right”? “As long as your baby is getting breastmilk in some capacity, it’s fine” Sound familiar? The pressure on women to breastfeed in today’s society is absolutely INSANE. This intense societal pressure almost trumps the actual scientific evidence that breast really is best. I particularly...