Tag: nursing school

Help! I Hate Nursing School

Picture this: You worked your butt off to be the best nursing school applicant possible. After months of stressing, applying, and waiting, you finally got into your dream nursing school. You were SO excited to start your nursing program, only to be hit with one major plot twist: You actually...

What Are the Prerequisites for Nursing?

So you think you want to become a nurse. First of all, congrats on this great decision! Nursing can be such a wonderful career because of the wide variety of options you have. You can get any nursing degree you want, go to any nursing school you want, and be...

How Hard is Nursing School?

When I told friends and family I was planning on applying to nursing school, I distinctly remember the reactions. While many people were happy and excited for me, I also got a TON of the same responses from other nurses I knew: “Nursing school was the hardest two years of...

How to Choose a Nursing School

Interested in nursing school but overwhelmed with all the options out there? After doing hours of extensive research before starting my own nursing school journey, I can confirm that nursing schools are definitely not all created equal. So if you’re trying to answer the question “What nursing school should I...

Nursing School Interview Questions

Congratulations on getting to the interview stage! Before you start preparing for the dreaded nursing school interview, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you made it this far for a reason. The best way to make it even further is to be prepared! I’ve put together a list...